Wednesday, February 27, 2008

When to show Kindness

I'm sure all of you have run into difficult situation when it comes to dealing with people. I have, and quite regularly. I wonder if I wasn't so conscious about how I spend my money and attempting to apply some energy saving/cost efficient habits then maybe I would be faced with such interesting predicaments. So now that you have probably figured out who I am dealing with I will go on with what a reaction should be, considering I have done the opposite.

The first thing anybody would be inclined to do is blow up in the persons face, blow them off and treat them the way one believes that they should be treated. While how good that might feel, I can guarantee right now that it is not the way to respond. Now I will probably never stop with my habits because I was brought up to save money and not be wasteful. While I would love to throw a punch or get into some big fat argument I wont. What I will do is to pray. Pray not only for them but that I might have a change of heart, that I might be able to not get irritated by the little things and pray that I can show love and kindness no matter what the circumstances.

I will NOT stop doing dishes when I see them in the sink. I will NOT stop picking up stuff when I see it lying around. I will NOT stop turning lights off when I leave a room. I WILL attempt to stop getting irritated and I WILL attempt to always show love. To be like Christ in all situations.

And that, my friends, is one time when we should show kindness.

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