I was watching C-SPAN today to see what was being said about the Stimulus Package that is being voted on today. I am rather surprised at how indirect people are, specifically the Democrats, everything that is said is opinions and they often disregard what was proven to be absurd or even flat out wrong.
As it stands from what I can see:
Democrats: Yes on bill
Republicans: No on bill
I, being a Republican, side with the idea that this bill should not be passed. I feel like this bill is an excuse to spend on the "accessories" to stimulate our economy. One thing I have learned in my few years of having to manage my money that the first thing to save money is to cut unnecessary spending. This bill is full of unnecessary spending, rails from Los Angeles to Las Vegas for one. But what about the big question is, who is going to pay for this?
A big question I would have is how many people work for a large company with 100+ employees and how many lost their jobs because they were working for a smaller business? No answers but I'm sure there is a way to stimulate the economy without throwing money at it. As working in the entertainment industry I hear the shortcut that often times is solved in a more economical way -- "Just throw some money at it and hope that it goes away." Well, does it? Not from my experience, the problem always comes back.
The new Republican Rep from Illinois hit the nail on the head. He concluded with a quote from Abraham Lincoln "What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself."
If you are a Rep. in the House - Vote no.
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